Reaching the gaming community effectively can be a challenging task for many brands. Traditional marketing channels often receive little attention from gaming enthusiasts, who quickly recognize inauthentic attempts to appeal to their passion. Crafting a PR campaign that is both authentic and engaging for a gaming audience can be more complex than it seems.
We have extensive experience in media communications and have worked on dozens of campaigns. For example, we led the media communications for the launch of the Arcane series set in the world of League of Legends.
Solid marketing is the backbone of any business.
With a large team and strong support, we can connect your communication activities to meet your individual needs.
We are part of the Prima Group media house. We operate the largest esports portal, collaborate with gaming teams and communities, manage social media, and specialize in media relations within and outside the Prima Group.
In addition to traditional advertising formats, we also offer less traditional forms of support, such as special gaming tournaments.